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Babyhood is like having a team of experts in every room of your house, helping you navigate the wonderful but sometimes overwhelming new territory of parenting

I set up Babyhood three years ago, right after Auraelia was born. I'd spent my pregnancy getting advice from all directions, but still had so many questions. There was so much information to retain, and I spent way too much time googling everything from newborn sleep help, baby nap schedules, baby poo, newborn feeding, treating my caesarean scar, and so much more.

I wanted to create the ultimate guide for new parents all in one place. Not different websites or courses for each topic, but a hub that housed all the information a new parent would need to know. I understood which areas I would have needed support with, but spoke to friends and experts to find out what else they thought would be most helpful - and there the journey began.

Our 4 phenomenal experts are mums themselves so they know only too well just how intense those early days, weeks & months can be. We have all echoed the same thoughts ‘we would’ve done absolutely everything to have had this course in our first 40 days’

 The videos are short and easily digestible. You can watch a bunch in one go or take in a single topic at a time. Feeding in the middle of the night or rocking the baby to sleep, our videos are here (with closed captions!). Out with the baby? Just dip in and find the answers in any of the 80 videos.

While the original Babyhood package is absolutely aimed at the early postpartum days, I've since realised the need for help, for guidance, doesn't go away! I’m working on future courses with incredible experts & want to launch Toddlerhood very soon.

Theres also so much more I want to do with extending your family in ways that aren’t biological. Courses supporting you through surrogacy, adoption are high up on my priority list. Thank you so much for coming to Babyhood. I really hope you've found the support you need. I would love to find out more about your experience, please do give us a DM, comment or email. Babyhood means an extraordinary amount to me & I want to help as many parents as possible.

Chessie x

"In my opinion, this is the most invaluable gift you can give any parent: access to the best experts in the world specialising in the 4 main pillars - sleeping, feeding, your brain & your body - all in one place. You can watch these videos with your baby in one arm, phone or laptop in the other, at home or on the go. You’ll learn everything you need to know to navigate this wonderful new territory so you never have to enter the google hole of doom. Between us all, we have 10 children & we all agreed that this course would have saved us in our first 40 days.

Babies don't come with an instruction manual, but Babyhood is the closest thing to one"

Chessie King. Founder of Babyhood


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